Greetings! And a blessed Thanksgiving to all. No doubt, we’ve either heard it said or stated it ourselves, that we should be thankful for our many blessings all year long and not encapsulate them to just one day a year. Trite as it may sound, that statement is true! Many of us keep a “Gratitude Journal” that helps us count our blessings everyday and in so doing, enables us to develop a heart of thankfulness every day. It doesn’t take more than 5 minutes to find something or someone we are thankful for. I would like to share a reading that has helped me to maintain this proper perspective when I realize I’ve stepped off the path.
Fulfillment Now
A beautiful, fulfilled life requires nothing more than what you already have. Fulfillment depends solely on your decision to accept and experience it, in the moment where you are.
There are some achievements that may take a lifetime to reach. Yet at any point along the way, from the very moment you begin, you can know fulfillment.
Reaching any goal is a matter of commitment, discipline, intention and effort. Fulfillment itself is immediate, for it is a matter of knowing that you are living true to your highest purpose.
Do not become trapped by measuring success based on what you’ve already done or failed to do. Learn to see that fulfillment is entirely a function of how you are feeling and thinking and acting right now.
Your past cannot hold you back and your future cannot intimidate you, unless you allow it. This moment has every possibility of being the most fulfilling time you’ve ever known.
Your life is infinitely more wonderful than any possession or event or circumstance that you can imagine. And somewhere inside, you know it.
Warm Regards,
Pastor Dan Spaulding