Category Archives: Our Monthly Challenge

To challenge God’s people to grow in their faith and ensure that our words and actions are congruent.

What Does It Mean To Be A Fundamentalist?

I have no problem declaring that I am a “Fundamentalist!” – and here’s why. It simply means that I embrace the fundamentals of the Christian faith – and therefore, I stand on a solid rock foundation of biblical truth. Here are just a few examples:

  1. The Bible is completely true … without error! This means I do not have to explain away the miracles recorded within – from Genesis to Revelation. For example, when reading about God parting the sea for his people to safely pass through (escaping the pursuing Egyptian army). I have no need to believe, “Well, they simply waded through a shallow part of the sea.”
  1. As a fundamentalist, I have no need to explain away a literal six-day creation (Genesis 1- 2). I reject theistic evolution’s claim that God created all that is through the process of evolution. To do so, one must believe that death occurred before the fall of Adam and Eve.
  1. As a fundamentalist, I adhere to the truth that Jesus was/ is fully God and fully man (but without sin). C.S. Lewis is right when he conveyed  the idea of Liar – Lunatic – or Lord. In other words, if Jesus claimed to be God knowing he was not, he would be a liar. On the other hand, if Jesus thought he was God but was not, he would be a lunatic. However, if Jesus is who he proclaims to be – the God Man – he is Lord!
  1. As a fundamentalist I believe that Jesus was crucified, buried, yet rose from the grave conquering sin and death and offering eternal life for all who receive him as Savior and Lord.
  1. As a fundamentalist, I believe that Jesus, after his resurrection from the grave, ascended into heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God. And, I believe, that he will one day return in the same manner he was taken up into heaven to gather his people to be with him forever.
  1. As a fundamentalist, I reject the notion of universal salvation – that is, that all of humanity will one day be saved – even if they did not repent of their sin and accept Christ as Savior and Lord.
  1. As a fundamentalist, I believe that, after the final judgment, God will create a new heaven and a new earth for all who believe. I also believe that those whose names are not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, will be separated from the True and the Living God for all eternity.

But here’s the GOOD NEWS!

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).






Monthly Challenge

What are you passionate about? Perhaps your passion is keeping your yard and flowers gardens just as clean and neat and colorful as possible. Maybe your passion is to keep your car washed and waxed at all times. Some may be passionate about how they dress and present themselves. Others may desire financial success and go after it with an untiring passion. But what about your spiritual life? Do you set spiritual goals for yourself? Do you set out to meet those goals with a driving passion? For example: memorizing scripture passages; reading through the Bible every year; spending more time in quality prayer; building a relationship with your neighbor or co-worker with the hope of leading them to Christ.

It seems today that more and more people are becoming passionate about keeping their bodies in optimal physical condition – and that’s okay – but the apostle Paul points out that there’s something much more important than that. He writes:

1TI 4: (7) ……… train yourself to be godly. (8) For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

Although many resolve to take better care of their bodies by eating right and getting consistent physical exercise – yet how many fail to follow through with their goals? For many professing Christians the same is true. They resolve to engage in vigorous, health-giving spiritual exercises – but never follow through with their goals.

One thing we need to remember is that life is very short. Even if we prolong it by keeping our bodies physically fit – life still is short. James says:

JAM 4:14     Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Now there’s nothing wrong with being passionate about one’s yard, one’s car, one’s physical fitness etc. but these things are all very temporal. In light of eternity all of these temporal things quickly fade into insignificance. That being the case, perhaps we should carefully examine our lives asking the question – what am I passionate about? Do I need to set some spiritual goals and go after them with an undying passion? If so, why not start today? Tomorrow or the next day may be too late.